NCOE EXL (ACE & COOL School) are happy to announce our initial sign-up process to request space for our Expanded Learning programs!

Program Sites:
  • Alta Heights Elementary
  • Bel Aire Park Elementary
  • Calistoga Jr./Sr.
  • McPherson Elementary (Before School Only)
  • Northwood Elementary
  • Phillips Magnet Elementary
  • Shearer TK-8 School
  • Silverado Middle School
  • Snow Elementary
  • Vichy Elementary
Summer Sites 2024-2025:
  • Bel Aire (TK-5th)
  • Snow (TK-5th)
  • Unidos (5th-8th)
About us:

The mission of NCOE EXL (ACE & COOL School) is to provide a safe and inclusive learning environment that foster positive relationships to support the whole student.

Students who fall under the following categories: McKinney–Vento (Homeless), Foster Youth, eligible for Free and Reduced Price Meals, and English Language Learners will have all program fees waived, and be given priority enrollment. All other students will be enrolled on a first come, first serve basis and a sliding scale fee (based on income) my apply.

Students are provided with structured programming under the guidance of an assigned Classroom Leader. The program offers a variety of activities consisting of enrichment, movement, academic reinforcement, and health & wellness discussions.

NOTE: Submitting a "Interest Request Form" does not guarantee a space in the program.

We thank you in advance for completing this form. Should you have any questions or problems filling out this survey, please email or call: | (707) 265-2714.

With Gratitude,
The NCOE Expanded Learning Team
*Indicates Required Fields

Parent Information

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Are you interested in volunteering with Napa EXL in the following ways:

Child(ren) Information

Child Information

Child Information (1)